Solve a Problem to Earn

If you cannot solve a problem, then you can’t be employed.

Whoever solves a problem on this planet is paid – Africa is the biggest employer because we have many problems- the question is, what can you solve?

What distinctive competence do you have? It can be a talent, a gift or your ability…

The problem is, we’re simply copycats. You want to be like the other one, you don’t want to know whether that person killed to be who they’re- you don’t care, all you’re looking at is money.

LET’S THINK, the day God gives you a word of wisdom (God’s word is normally peculiar and unique), is the day God will have blessed you with abundance. If you have a competitive advantage over others in solving a problem, then you must be a billionaire.

The mindset to earn through other people’s successes is anyone’s biggest bondage.

Don’t make people your source. Make God your source, ask Him to give you a unique and peculiar idea of solving people’s problems.

Bill Gates solved a big problem- He’s a big earner. Ford solved a problem of walking- they are a legendary wealthy family

Mark Zuckerberg created a platform for socialization and over 71 billion dollars followed him, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak went out to reduce the size of computers and billion dollars followed them, Larry page and Sergey brain went all out to help humanity to pass through internet and billion dollars follow them. You, what kind of problems are you solving?

We cannot keep thinking about working on someone’s mind (waking up early to the office to do routine things) to earn a salary and we think we can change? we shall keep in the bracket of celebrating stepping in a plane, selfies at Starbucks, taking portraits at other people’s offices etc.

THINKING IS KEY, if we’re to solve problems as an employment.

This is the true definition of self-employment. SOLVING A PROBLEM.

Dear lord, please baptize me with a fresh idea to solve problems and please connect me to the right Partners to solve some of these problems.

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